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Charity NewsPreventorio de Gandia

Update on El Preventorio

BayRadio | May 21, 2018

This next week is Silvia’s week – she tells us “this is going to be my week of clearing the things needed on my list, Hong Kong seems a distant memory 😂 it’s now all about the children !!  Plastic boxes, flip flops, birthday cards and more collected from BayRadio.”

Thank you to everyone that donated birthday cards, we have so many and every one will be used (2yrs supply at least)😊

Blue Square Properties are well on the way to getting us the much needed Trolley, not just any trolley but one that can help with the school bags and weekend bags, the food shop each week and able to fit in the lift.

Still in need of more flip flops, we have 24 pairs in small sizes but need 24 more but in sizes 38-40 so if you are in the Chinese or Primark please grab us a pair.
We have so many sponges, enough for two for each child, thank you so much 😊
Anything arty like colouring pens, drawing materials etc. would go down a treat for quiet time.

The May Ball organised by Ian Theobald and Marina Pawley raised €500 which will go towards new pillows and bath towels.

Thank you Virginie Pauc and your friends for the money for the sponge play mats for the new playroom being created for the little children.

We had a lovely donation given by the FC Amigos veterans who have also offered to have a kick about with the boys and girls on a regular basis 😊

Once again we are able to send 20+ children on a proper camping holiday in Guadalest for the 3rd year running all thanks to the Masons.
If you have an idea for a fundraiser to pay for the bus to take them there please share 😊.

Finally Thank you for supporting us the way you do. The children need us all year round and I need you to help us be able to help them.

Written by BayRadio

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