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Crime: Pharmacy worker touts fake Covid certificates, documentation that allows people to travel

BayRadio | May 4, 2021
Almería. Sucesos. Detenido Un Empleado De Farmacia Por Falsear Pcr A 130 Euros Para Que Marroquíes Pudieran Ir A Su País

POLICE have arrested a pharmacy worker for selling fake Covid-19 test certificates so they could travel to Morocco.

The 24-year-old charged Moroccan nationals €130 for the bogus papers showing they had tested negative for the disease, allowing them to fly home from Spain, dodging strict coronavirus health rules.

It was also discovered that the man, who was held in El Ejido, Andalusia, also had a second job running his own travel business and selling airline tickets.

Spain’s National Police reported they have uncovered seven cases of the suspect selling false PCR test certificates and the investigation continues.

Written by BayRadio

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