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Moody In The Morning (3)
Moody Poster Final 2 (1)

Every weekday from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 11:00 am (CET)

Sponsored by Blacktower Financial Management


Meet Moody – No, we don’t know where the nickname comes from either as he’s really quite a treat!


Moody is first up on weekday mornings at BayRadio, with an especially busy first hour that takes in the latest entertainment news and celebrity tea-spilling, plus, ‘The toughest quiz on the radio’: The Early Morning Three.

Think you know your stuff? He’ll be the judge of that.


Moody also conducts insightful interviews, featuring:


  • Pellicer & Heredia: On alternate Wednesdays, delivering  everything you need to know regarding residency, visas and other legal issues for those living in Spain.
  • MoneyCorp: On the last Monday of the month, providing the latest information on exchange rates and how they can help you save money on international payments.
  • Blacktower: Every other Tuesday, ensuring you stay informed about all things financial and wealth-related, with a focus on your pensions and
  • investments.


There’s also the occasional surprise guest that will pop in for a brew and a chat.


Moody’s also an accomplished producer and can be heard reading the latest Spanish news stories every afternoon.


More recently, he’s branched out into videography (remaining firmly behind the camera…) and has turned out high-end productions, including drone work, for a number of satisfied clients.


Likes: Dogs, Cottage Cheese, a Siesta

Dislikes: Most other stuff